There are many ways you can taste wine in Rheingau:
Visit the winemaker or one of the wine shops (vinothek) and taste a few glasses, or have dinner in a restaurant or at the winemaker and enjoy a few different wines with your meal.
A great way to taste wines, meet a lot of people and experience Rheingau at its best is to visit one of the many wine tasting booths. Never heard of it? Not a problem, let me explain:
The German word is Weinprobierstand: Wein = wine, probier = tasting, stand = stand/ stall/ booth.
It’s a little hut or house, mostly wooden, in some places it’s made of an old wine barrel. Most open in spring, close in winter. During the season there’s a different winemaker from the respective town servicing the little place. There are 22 of these wine tasting places in the Rheingau area. Almost every town has one. Many are situated by the rhine or surrounded by beautiful nature.
Many locals come here to get together, meet friends and family and to enjoy the wine. Often times you will see people bringing food, having a picnic sometimes even a barbecue. Some offer pretzels for sale with the wine. There’s one (in Eltville-Martinsthal) that even serves meals. The ones in the smaller towns are only open on the weekends.
Eltville offers service almost all year round and every day of the week, usually opening between 3 and 4 o’clock in the afternoon. So check it out – it’s a very special experience! Just ask anyone where the next wine-pro-beer-stand is. They’ll show you!